Интернет-оператор EvaPhone выступает против территориальной целостности Азербайджана - ФОТО

В редакцию 1news.az пришло письмо от читателей.
В письме сообщается, что на сайте http://evaphone.com/ Карабах указан в разделе Армения.
Сайт evaphone.com, указывая Нагорный Карабах в разделе Армения, тем самым игнорирует нормы международного права и выступает против территориальной целостности Азербайджана.
EvaPhone предоставляет бесплатные международные и междугородние звонки через Интернет. EvaPhone предлагает бесплатные звонки по VoIP: бесплатный VoIP сервис позволяет звонить с компьютера в любые страны без оплаты.
Призываем всех наших соотечественников проявить активность в этом вопросе и направить нижеследующее письмо на этот е-мейл: [email protected], [email protected]
«Dear Sirs,
Please be informed that there is a serious mistake in the list of countries at your web-site. Your web-site says that Karabakh is a part of Armenia which is a serious contradiction to the norms of International Law. Karabakh is a historical part of Azerbaijan Republic within its borders and sovereignty as acknowledged by the UN and other international organizations.
Please be informed that according to UN Security Council Resolutions (№ 822, 853, 874 и 884) it is acknowledged that Armenia had occupied the territories of Azerbaijan Republic and must withdraw its forces from the lands of Azerbaijan.
UN General Assembly also confirmed territorial integrity of Azerbaijan by adopting its resolutions in 1993, 2006 and 2009.
Considering all the abovementioned facts and information we kindly ask you to correct the mistake at your web-site and show Karabakh as a part of Azerbaijan as it is acknowledged by international law and organizations.
Thank you in advance.
Please be informed that there is a serious mistake in the list of countries at your web-site. Your web-site says that Karabakh is a part of Armenia which is a serious contradiction to the norms of International Law. Karabakh is a historical part of Azerbaijan Republic within its borders and sovereignty as acknowledged by the UN and other international organizations.
Please be informed that according to UN Security Council Resolutions (№ 822, 853, 874 и 884) it is acknowledged that Armenia had occupied the territories of Azerbaijan Republic and must withdraw its forces from the lands of Azerbaijan.
UN General Assembly also confirmed territorial integrity of Azerbaijan by adopting its resolutions in 1993, 2006 and 2009.
Considering all the abovementioned facts and information we kindly ask you to correct the mistake at your web-site and show Karabakh as a part of Azerbaijan as it is acknowledged by international law and organizations.
Thank you in advance.
Эльшан Рустамов
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