Канадский телекоммуникационный оператор не признает территориальную целостность Азербайджана - ФОТО
БАКУ, 9 мар - 1NEWS.AZ
Телекоммуникационный оператор VoipJet указал Нагорный Карабах в составе Армении.
Как стало известно 1news.az, на сайте канадского телекоммуникационного оператора Voipjet, в разделе списка стран, которые обслуживает компания, суверенная часть Азербайджана - Нагорный Карабах указан в составе Армении.
Призываем наших читателей и соотечественников обратиться с письмом к Voipjet с призывом уважать территориальную целостность Азербайджана и указать на своем ресурсе Нагорный Карабах в составе Азербайджанской Республики.
э/адрес, куда следует послать письмо Fastsupport@voipjet.com
Текст письма:
«Dear Sirs,
Please be informed that there is a serious mistake in the list of countries at your web-site. Your web-site says that Karabakh is a part of Armenia which is a serious contradiction to the norms of International Law. Karabakh is a historical part of Azerbaijan Republic within its borders and sovereignty as acknowledged by the UN and other international organizations.
Please be informed that according to UN Security Council Resolutions (№ 822, 853, 874 и 884) it is acknowledged that Armenia had occupied the territories of Azerbaijan Republic and must withdraw its forces from the lands of Azerbaijan.
Please be informed that there is a serious mistake in the list of countries at your web-site. Your web-site says that Karabakh is a part of Armenia which is a serious contradiction to the norms of International Law. Karabakh is a historical part of Azerbaijan Republic within its borders and sovereignty as acknowledged by the UN and other international organizations.
Please be informed that according to UN Security Council Resolutions (№ 822, 853, 874 и 884) it is acknowledged that Armenia had occupied the territories of Azerbaijan Republic and must withdraw its forces from the lands of Azerbaijan.
UN General Assembly also confirmed territorial integrity of Azerbaijan by adopting its resolutions in 1993, 2006 and 2009.
Considering all the abovementioned facts and information we kindly ask you to correct the mistake at your web-site and show Karabakh as a part of Azerbaijan as it is acknowledged by international law and organizations.
You can find the map of Azerbaijan which shows the correct situation on the issue:
You are kindly asked to correct the mistake and replace this map with the correct one so as to avoid misperception of Azerbaijan.
Thank you in advance.
[Your name]»
Ризван Гусейнов, Эльшан Рустамов
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