Top Azerbaijani Diplomat in US Praises Growing Ties Between Israel and Muslim World | | Новости
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Top Azerbaijani Diplomat in US Praises Growing Ties Between Israel and Muslim World

09:45 - 07 / 03 / 2018
Top Azerbaijani Diplomat in US Praises Growing Ties Between Israel and Muslim World

By Barney Breen-Portnoy

Until recently, the close ties between Israel and Azerbaijan were something that flew under the radar, even for people who attend gatherings such as the annual AIPAC convention.

But that is no longer the case, Azerbaijan’s US envoy told The Algemeiner on the sidelines of this year’s Policy Conference.

“Now it’s not a surprise to them,” Ambassador Elin Suleymanov said on Monday. “They’ve already heard about this. It’s a known entity. That’s good. It’s not a totally new frontier.”

Monday’s sit-down was a follow-up to a wide-ranging interview Suleymanov gave to The Algemeiner last year at the Azerbaijani Embassy in Washington, DC.

Azerbaijan — led by President Ilham Aliyev — prides itself on being one of Israel’s closest allies in the Muslim world. Diplomatic ties were established in 1992, after Azerbaijan regained independence with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the two countries now enjoy an extensive partnership, particularly in the economic and military realms.

A secular, Shiite Muslim-majority nation, Azerbaijan is strategically sandwiched in the Caucasus region between Russia, Iran, Georgia and Armenia, with the Caspian Sea to the east.

Suleymanov called Azerbaijan a “pioneer” regarding its relationship with Israel.

“We do openly what some other countries don’t do openly,” he said.

“Last year, you asked me about contacts between Israel and other Muslim nations,” Suleymanov recalled. “At that time, much of the talk about this sounded like wishful thinking. But today, these contacts have developed and we’re very happy to see that and be at the forefront of it.”

“Our vision of solidarity in the region is inclusive, not exclusive,” he noted.

As Azerbaijan seeks to further develop its economy, there is much it can learn from Israel’s renowned “start-up culture,” Suleymanov said.

Home to a small, but vibrant, Jewish community, Azerbaijan has also forged bonds with Jews in other parts of the world outside of Israel.

The Azerbaijani capital of Baku is a sister city of Houston, and Azerbaijan recently made a financial donation to help restore Congregation Beth Yeshurun — a synagogue which sustained severe damage when Hurricane Harvey hit Texas last summer.


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