Azerbaijani hackers leak secret data from Armenian Intel server | | Новости
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Azerbaijani hackers leak secret data from Armenian Intel server

14:10 - 05 / 09 / 2016
Azerbaijani hackers leak secret data from Armenian Intel server

By Waqas

The cyber war between Azerbaijan and Armenian hackers is as complicated and serious as one can imagine. While militaries of both countries are fighting for a piece of land, their hackers are targeting each other on the Internet.

The latest cyber attack comes from Azerbaijani hackers going by the handle of Anti-Armenia Team who claim to have hacked Armenian government servers including the Armenian national security ministry and leaked a trove of confidential data including passport copies of locals and foreign citizens who visited Armenia.

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia is a republican body of executive authority, which elaborates and implements the policies of the Republic of Armenia Government in the national security sector and manages national security bodies.

HackRead can confirm that there are several other scanned passport copies of citizens from India, China, Georgia, Iran, United Kingdom and the United States.

Hackers also claim to have stolen ministry data that includes “slanderous and calumnious information about the US diplomats in other countries.”

In an exclusive conversation with one of the hackers from Anti-Armenia Team, HackRead was told that,

“We at Anti-Armenia Team are announcing that we hacked the heart of Armenia and leaked personal and confidential data of its government, citizens and even those who visited the country as everything is allowed in love and war, we are in a war with Armenia and will remain at war until they stop.”

This is not the first time when Anti-Armenia Team has come up with such confidential data stolen from Armenian security service. In their previous hacks, the team leaked several secret documents which they claimed were stolen from National Security Service of Armenia.

Statement from Armenian hackers:

On the other hand, Armenian hackers from Monte Melkonian Cyber Army are claiming that the aforementioned hack is phony. One of the hackers from MMCA told HackRead that,

Azeris hacker group anti Armenia says hacked our NSS database, leaked documents and share pictures from NSS DB system and docs, but this is a fake news. They are only share 2013 picture from Armenia visa system and say again we hacked Armenia NSS”

The Register has also covered the hack; according to them, the leaked data is legit however it looks more like an inside job rather than a hack by Azerbaijani hackers.

Remember, there are no diplomatic relations between the two countries and they are still technically at war because of the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and dispute.

At the time of publishing this article; the leaked data was publically available for anyone to download.

Waqas Amir is a Milan-based cybersecurity journalist with a passion for covering latest happenings in cyber security and tech world. In addition to being the founder of this website, Waqas is also into gaming, reading and investigative journalism.



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